Zoë Deleata
05 Mar


So this is a bit of something new, I'm sat here writing the first ever blog for DeleataZ Entertainment and I'm not totally sure what to say... I suppose I should start by introducing myself properly.

My name is Zoë Deleata (to avoid confusion, my middle name is said D-Lee-Ta) and I am an Aerial Artist, Circus Entertainer, Archery Enthusiast and an Instructor in all three of those things! I created Deleata Z Entertainment as a platform for developing my own performance and to bring some of the things that I find most enjoyable to the community around me and to wider audiences where possible.

I've worked a lot in festivals and seeing the joy that Circus brings to people really warms my heart, but more than anything seeing people develop confidence in themselves and their own abilities through play and silliness really shines a light on what fun and movement can do for your mental health.

The main aim of my classes is to create a safe and supportive environment for people to explore and improve their relationship with their own bodies. My classes are inclusive, accessible and tailored to the individuals who attend - whatever your goal is, I'm here to help you achieve it. 

I want to change perceptions around who is capable of what and break down the stereotypes that insinuate people have to be a particular size or shape to do certain activities. To show that believing in yourself, trusting yourself, is what really matters and that everyone is capable of reaching a point where they can do that.

Anything is possible, even hanging upside down and talking for a full 5 minutes to explain the details of a specific move. Part of me wonders why I didn't stand up for the explanation, then demonstrate again afterwards...

Thanks for reading! I'm hoping to make this a regular thing, so check back next week for more blog and let me know what you think! 

- Zoë Deleata xox

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