
About the Experience

Our Archery experiences can be tailored to your event, with a fully portable backstop and targets, all you need do is to find a field and we'll provide the rest!

  • Archery Form and Technique: Under the guidance of our skilled instructors, you'll delve into the intricacies of proper shooting form and technique. From stance and grip to aiming and release, you'll receive personalized guidance to improve your accuracy and consistency.

  • Target Practice: Put your newfound knowledge into action as you engage in target practice sessions. Experience the thrill of hitting the bullseye and witness your progress as you refine your skills throughout the workshop.

  • Archery Safety: Safety is paramount in archery. Our certified instructors will provide thorough safety instructions, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for all participants.

  • Mindful Focus and Concentration: Archery is not only about physical prowess but also about cultivating mental focus and presence. Experience the calming effect of being in the moment as you draw the bowstring and release, honing your concentration skills.

Why choose Archery?

  • Connect with Tradition: Engage with an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries, connecting you with a rich history of precision and discipline.
  • Stress Relief: Experience the therapeutic effects of focusing on a single task, leaving behind the stresses of daily life.
  • Build Patience: Archery encourages patience and perseverance, as each shot requires careful consideration and practice.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Feel a sense of achievement as you witness your progress and see your arrows hitting closer to the center with each shot.